Eugene R. Laczniak

Professor Eugene R. Laczniak is Chair of the Department of Marketing at Marquette University. His research interests are marketing ethics, marketing strategy, business ethics and corporate social responsibility, marketing and society.

Dr. Laczniak is serving his second stint as department chair. From 1998 to 2002, Laczniak was the Associate Vice-President/Associate Provost for Academic Affairs at the University. He has been a Visiting Professor or Visiting Fellow at the University of Western Australia (Perth) on several occasions. Laczniak was a member of the editorial review board of the Journal of Marketing for 15 years and continues to serve on four academic journal review boards.

Dr. Laczniak is co-author of five books on business ethics with his most recent being Ethics in Marketing: International Cases and Perspectives in 2012. He has served on the board of directors of several non-profit organizations. He has taught executive development classes in the U.S., Europe and Asia. He has published over 100 journal articles and papers.

Professor Laczniak received his PhD in Marketing and his MBA from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and his BS with honors in Business Administration from Marquette University.

1983 Educators Proceedings

1983 Educators’ Proceedings: Series No. 49

The 1983 AMA Educators’ Proceedings is edited by Patrick E. Murphy, O.C. Ferrell, Eugene R. Laczniak, Robert F. Lusch, Paul F. Anderson, Terence A. Shimp, Russell W. Belk, and Charles B. Weinberg. This volume consists of 102 papers and special presentations, which were presented in six competitive tracks during the 1983 Marketing Educators’ Conference. The six tracks are Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Education, Marketing Mix, Public Policy, and Research Methodology. The papers seek to expand theoretical boundaries of the marketing discipline, refine existing marketing principles, and introduce new perspectives.