G. Lynn Shostack

G. Lynn Shostack co-edited several works in the field of marketing, such as the proceeding Emerging Perspectives on Services Marketing in 1983. In 1984, Ms. Shostack was the senior vice president in charge of the Private Clients Group at Bankers Trust Company. A former vice president at Citibank as well as the chief of staff for the Citibank Investment Management Group, she has headed the marketing committee of the American Bankers Association Trust Division and chaired the American Marketing Association special task force on service marketing. Author of a marketing management column for The American Banker, she also served on the editorial advisory board of the International Journal of Bank Marketing and the Service Industries Journal.

Emerging Perspectives On Services Marketing

Emerging Perspectives on Services Marketing

Emerging Perspectives on Services Marketing was edited by Leonard L. Berry, G. Lynn Shostack, and Gregory D. Upah. This work contains proceeding papers presented at an AMA sponsored conference on services economy in Florida in 1982. The papers presented the viewpoint of the rising services market of the 1980s. The papers are topically structures, rather than industry or service specific, to encourage cross-fertilization. The papers discuss a wide range of issues, trends, and practices that are unique to services marketing such as consumer evaluation, service advertising, implementation, and services sales.