Marcus Alexis

Before his death at the age of 77, Marcus Alexis was one of the country’s most renowned economists. He earned his B.A. from Brooklyn College, and was the first African-American to earn a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Minnesota. He taught at Northwestern University for 29 years, as well as acted as professor emeritus at the Kellogg School of Management. He was also an integral and highly influential founding member and inaugural chair of the National Economics Association.

Models Of Buyer Behavior

Chapter 12: Food Shopping Behavior of Low-Income Households

Chapter 12 of Models of Buyer Behavior

Food Shopping Behavior of Low-Income Households is divided into two parts: a study of food shopping behavior and a study of prices paid. In both studies, socioeconomic status of the household is the explanatory variable. The final data is highly useful in determining the prices paid and shopping consumption of a range of household incomes.