O.C. Ferrell

Dr. O.C. Ferrell is Bill Daniels Distinguished Professor of Business Ethics and Creative Enterprise Scholar at the University of New Mexico. He is also editor of www.e-businessethics.com and has developed a business ethics certificate program through the Management Development Center of University of New Mexico. His academic research focuses on ethical decision making, stakeholder relationships and social responsibility. He is past president of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association and chaired the American Marketing Association Ethics Committee twice.

Under his leadership, the committee developed the AMA Code of Ethics and the AMA Code of Ethics for Marketing on the Internet. He is a Society for Marketing Advances Fellow and a member of the Board of Governors for the Academy of Marketing Science. He is the co-author of 17 books and more than 75 articles. Dr. Ferrell is currently serving as the Marketing Ethics and Values section editor for the Journal of Macromarketing.

1983 Educators Proceedings

1983 Educators’ Proceedings: Series No. 49

The 1983 AMA Educators’ Proceedings is edited by Patrick E. Murphy, O.C. Ferrell, Eugene R. Laczniak, Robert F. Lusch, Paul F. Anderson, Terence A. Shimp, Russell W. Belk, and Charles B. Weinberg. This volume consists of 102 papers and special presentations, which were presented in six competitive tracks during the 1983 Marketing Educators’ Conference. The six tracks are Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Education, Marketing Mix, Public Policy, and Research Methodology. The papers seek to expand theoretical boundaries of the marketing discipline, refine existing marketing principles, and introduce new perspectives.