Market Research

Market Research Category

The Role of Psychographics in the Development of Advertising Strategy and Copy

Chapter 5: The Role of Psychographics in the Development of Advertising Strategy and Copy

Chapter 5 of Life Style and Psychographics

The chapter focuses on psychographics in relation to advertising strategy and copy. Ziff presents a communications model of advertising and provides two detailed illustrations of how life style and psychographic techniques can be used to assist in the creative process. The final section demonstrates the need for psychographics in advertising strategy and copy.

Market Segmentation Using Multivariate Analysis

Chapter 6 – Market Segmentation Using Multivariate Analysis

Chapter 6 of Market Structure Analysis

The authors deal with the problem of how to identify groupings of consumers in such a way that they will respond differently to different market mixes. The chapter focuses on the response-based approach to locating useful market segments. The chapter is also concerned with identification of potential market segments based on patterns of information contained in survey questionnaires.

Marketing Minority Consumers Public Policy Alternatives

Chapter 6 – Marketing System Performance and Minority Consumers: Public Policy Alternatives

Chapter 6 of Minorities and Marketing: Research Challenges

The chapter presents an overview of public policy alternatives for change in the marketing system with reference to minority groups. The focus is on consumer, marketer, and system-change programs, policies, and other efforts designed to improve marketing system performance. An integral part of the discussion are the requirements and prospects for change and improvement.

Applications Life Style Research

Chapter 6: Applications of Life Style Research to the Creation of Advertising Campaigns

Chapter 6 of Life Style and Psychographics

The chapter focuses on how life style and psychographic techniques can be applied to the creation and implementation of advertising campaigns. Plummer provides four illustrations of how life style research has and can be used. Most specifically, the studies focus on how this kind of research can produce quantified portraits of consumers in terms that improve advertising communication.

Models Of Buyer Behavior

Chapter 6: Information and Consumer Behavior

Chapter 6 of Models of Buyer Behavior

Information and Consumer Behavior poses two questions: what is information? And how does information affect consumer behavior? In pursuing the significance of information, a theory is developed for predicting the probability that a consumer will receive information. This theory is highly beneficial to introduce new products or deciding to keep a product on the market.

Market Structure Studies SteffIre Process

Chapter 7 – Market Structure Studies SteffIre Process

Chapter 7 of Market Structure Analysis

The chapter analyzes the approach to product planning as proposed by Stefflre, a cultural anthropologist. Stefflre’s process of perception and positioning differs vastly from statisticians and psychometricians. The authors support his notion that few items have clear intrinsic properties and thus will be used differently by different cultures.

Life Style Analysis as a Basis for Media Selection

Chapter 7: Life Style Analysis as a Basis for Media Selection

Chapter 7 of Life Style and Psychographics

The chapter deals with the specific problems in the development of a media solution strategy, and the role that life style research can play in the solution of the media selection process. Tigert summarizes his studies on the relationships between consumer’s life styles and their exposure to magazines and television programs. He describes a variety of analytical approaches, presents real data, and comments upon methods of employing this input.

Multivariate Analysis Variance

Chapter 7: Multivariate Analysis of Variance

Chapter 7 of Multivariate Methods for Market and Survey Research

The chapter is devoted to a discussion of multivariate analysis of variance. A general model is presented first, followed by en exposition of the extension of experimental design techniques. Methods of follow-up analysis used to identify significant differences are also discussed.

Pattern Recognition Stochastic Series

Chapter 7: Pattern Recognition in Stochastic Series

Chapter 7 of Models of Buyer Behavior

Pattern Recognition in Stochastic Series is concerned with the processes people use to understand the environment within which they make choices. The chapter dissects the major problems facing analysts and presents several equations and theoretical models for determining information transmission and reception. Step-by-step guidelines and two hypotheses are provided for understanding theories of consumer behavior.