Market Research

Market Research Category

Market Information And Research In Fashion Management

Market Information and Research in Fashion Management

Market Information and Research in Fashion Management, edited by Elizabeth A. Richards and David Rachman, is a collection of papers presented at a symposium on market information and research in fashion management in 1976. These papers explore the possibility of systematic marketing management within the apparel manufacturing and retailing segment of the New York business communities in the late 1970s.

The proceedings are divided into three main sections: manufacturers, retailers, and marketing information. While the first two sections provide a first-person account on the problems and opportunities in the fashion business, the third section provides the technical aspects and advantages of using an marketing information system in fashion business.

Market Structure Analysis

Market Structure Analysis Full Book

Market Structure Analysis is a review of various technologies as they relate to a current conceptual model, called the behavioral market structure model. The purpose behind these technologies is to promote a greater understanding and usage of marketing structure in marketing planning. To reach this end, the following issues are discussed:

  • Multidimensional scaling and the four major types of measuring scales (nominal, ordinal, ratio, and interval);
  • Two approaches to deriving consumers’ utility functions for attributes and levels of attributes;
  • Stefflre’s approach to processes of perception, positioning, and product planning; and
  • The technique of benefit structure analysis, used to systematically search for needs in broadly defined markets.

With this collection of articles, the editors have provided an in-depth, thorough analysis of marketing structuring, measurement theory, and measuring scales. The research collected here will prove invaluable to students and scholars of marketing, as well as economists and business firms.

Table of Contents

  1. Structuring Markets
  2. Introduction to Scaling Methods for Product Positioning
  3. Positioning Using Multidimensional Scaling Techniques (MDS)
  4. Positioning Using Factor Analysis
  5. Positioning Using Discriminant Analysis
  6. Market Segmentation Using Multivariate Analysis
  7. Market Structure Studies SteffIre Process
  8. Benefit Structure Analysis
  9. Conjoint Measurement:  Multiple Trade-Off Analysis
  10. Epilogue:  Behavioral Market Structure Model
Marketing And The Quality Of Life

Marketing and the Quality of Life

Marketing and the Quality of Life was edited by Fred D. Reynolds and Hiram C. Barksdale. This work represents a set of proceedings presented at an AMA sponsored workshop in 1978. The papers explored, from a variety of perspectives, the conceptual and measurement problems involved in studying marketing and quality of life, as well as identified the areas required for research. These papers are divided in three parts: conceptual issues, measurement issues and integration, and needed research. They attempted to answer various questions pertaining to the quality of life as a criterion for marketing and consumer satisfaction.

Marketing Concept In Changing Times

Marketing Concepts in Changing Times

Marketing Concepts in Changing Times was edited by Richard M. Hill. This work contains papers and remarks of those who participated in the 42nd National Conference of American Marketing Association. The papers present a historic perspective of marketing in the 1960s. The papers cover a wide range of topics such as international marketing, government’s role in marketing, marketing research, industrial marketing, marketing theory, marketing and sales education. The transcript of two panel discussions advertising education and sales education are also available. These discussions aim to close the gap between the academic and practical use of sales and advertising.

Marketing Expansion In A Shrinking World

Marketing Expansion in a Shrinking World: 1978 Business Proceedings, Series #42

Marketing Expansion in a Shrinking World was edited by Betsy D. Gelb. This work contains papers presented at the International Marketing Conference in 1968. It addresses the need for marketing practitioners to do more with less resource in a shrinking world, thanks to international trade and depleting mineral resources. The volume is divided into five sections: the Future of Marketing analyses the future in the perspective of marketing manager, researcher and the social role of marketing itself; the Changing and Shrinking World presents an overview of new age consumers such as working women, trade restriction and other external influence on marketing; Industrial Marketing Insights speaks on specific markets such as services market, capital goods market and touches on issues from non-manipulative selling to sales force integration; and, Improvements in Marketing Research is a review of research practices used in the 1970s with specific note on advertising research, industrial marketing research and social research.

Marketing In The 80s

Marketing in the 80’s: Changes & Challenges (1980 Educators’ Conference Proceedings Series No. 46)

Marketing in the 80’s: Changes and Challenges is edited by Richard P. Bagozzi, David W. Cravens, Kenneth L. Bernhardt, Jospeh F. Hair Jr., Paul S. Busch, and Carol A. Scott. This volume is a compilation of proceedings presented at the 1980s Educators’ Conference. The papers focus on the problem and opportunities which would confront marketing in the 1980s. The collection of 124 papers are consolidated in five tracks: research methodology, public policy, marketing management, education, and consumer behavior.

Marketing In The Transition Period 1945

Marketing in the Transition Period – 1945: Proceedings of The Special Wartime Conference

Marketing in the Transition Period – 1945 is a collection of papers presented during a Special Wartime Conference in Chicago. The conference was convened when World War II was underway, which had cast its shadow on business, especially in foreign trade and distribution. There was also a huge burden of serving a war-torn society post war. The papers elaborate on this scenario and give possible techniques to tackle this abnormal situation. There is a special discussion on marketing problems of the aviation industry.

Marketing Keys To Profits In The 1960s

Marketing Keys to Profits in the 1960’s

Marketing Keys to Profits in the 1960’s was edited by Wenzil K. Dolva. This work is a compilation of papers presented at the Cleveland National Conference on marketing in 1959. The papers and discussions not only reflect the thinking of the times, but they record the state of marketing knowledge at the end of 1950s. Divided in seven parts, the papers are consolidated on the basis of Dolva’s comments, intellectuals’ expertise, marketing management, the consumer, industrial marketing, marketing research, and special interests such as bank marketing, insurance marketing, and credit cards.

Marketing Theory

Marketing Theory: Philosophy of Science Perspectives

Marketing Theory: Philosophy of Science Perspectives, edited by Ronald F. Bush and Shelby D. Hunt, is a collection of papers presented at the Third Special Conference on Marketing Theory held in Texas in February 1982. The papers cover six topics: philosophy of science, general theory, channels of distribution, consumer and industrial buyer behavior, macromarketing, and research methodology. The papers present theoretical structures of marketing discipline capable of generating hypotheses worthy of testing with techniques prevalent during the 1980s.