Social / Ethical

Social / Ethical Category

The Changing Marketing Environment

The Changing Marketing Environment: New Theories and Applications, 1981 Educators’ Conference Proceedings

The Changing Marketing Environment: New Theories and Applications is a collection of proceedings edited by Kenneth L. Bernhardt, Ira Dolich, Michael Etzel, William Kehoe, Thomas Kinnear, William Perreault, Jr., and Kenneth Roering. The volume contains 121 papers presented at 1981 Educators Conference. The papers are classified into 5 tracks: marketing management, buyer behavior, public policy, research methodology, and marketing education.

The Marketing Management Track contains papers reviewing the several aspects of marketing management with respect to the 1980s scenario. This includes subjects such as social marketing, usage of technology in marketing, product strategy, international marketing management, and retail marketing strategy.

The Buyer Behavior Track papers attempt to understand and review the behavior of consumers, their attitude and intention, the influence of family in decision making, brand preference, and consumer satisfaction as well as peer and group influence on consumers.

The Public Policy Track discusses the effectiveness and impact of using advertising and marketing to propagate public services. This also includes adhering rules laid by the government for such marketing practices. Topics cover issues such as advertising legal and medical services, energy conservation propaganda, elections and campaign finance, and influence of deceptive advertisements.

The Research Methodology Track reviews some popular marketing research models of the 1980s. The effect and scope of improvement in these models when used in micro-segment analysis, consumer preference analysis, time series analysis and competitive analysis are elaborated. The effectiveness of data collection methods such as mail surveys, telephonic surveys, personal data collection, and issues related to privacy and anonymity are also presented.

The Marketing Education Track contains papers relating to the academic side of marketing. These papers evaluate the educational practice and curriculum of the 1980s, and suggest the improvisation in terms of course content and teaching methods. The papers aim at infusing some intellectual medicine for tired professional blood.

The Conserver Society

The Conserver Society

The Conserver Society was edited by Karl E. Henion, II and Thomas C. Kinnear. This work contains 18 papers presented by eminent academics, government conservation specialists, and business leaders from Canada and the United States. These papers provide marketing personnel an insight on ecological marketing by providing an outlook on the conserver society, its consumers, their attitudes, the government regulation, new horizons in marketing such as recycling, energy conservation, energy generation from waste, and resource management.

The Social Responsibilities Of Marketing

The Social Responsibilities of Marketing: Proceedings of the Winter Conference of the American Marketing Association

December 27, 28, 29, 1961

The Social Responsibilities of Marketing, edited by William D. Stevens, is a compilation of the 1961 Winter Conference proceedings held in New York. In this extensive collection of 69 papers divided in four parts, panelists with differing points of view argue the social responsibilities in marketing as well as in marketing education. Part 1, titled Social Responsibility: the Challenge of Controversy, speaks on social responsibility and ethics in marketing practices as well as government regulation on marketing and social responsibilities of advertising. Part 2, titled Marketing Education: The Challenge of Opportunity, elaborates on stature and scope of marketing education, its necessity to adapt and contribute to the mathematical, behavioral, and methodological disciplines. Part 3, titled International Marketing: The Challenge to Competition, talks about competition in world marketing. This section exhaustively talks about catering to myriad economies with specific case studies of Japan, Egypt, Puerto Rico, and Tropical Africa. Part 4, titled Marketing Structure and Strategy: The Challenge of Change, discusses marketing strategies involved in distribution systems, retailing logistics and in the food stamp plan.