Chapter 8: Brand Leverage: Strategy for Growth in a Cost-control World


Chapter 8

Brand Leverage examines the dominating trend of capitalization on brand names in marketing strategy of the 1980s. The value of brand name, as perceived by consumer research, is the focus of the investigation. The meaning behind the trend, specific definitions and future prospects are also explored.


Book Information

Pages: 8
Published: 1987
New Copyright: 2011
ISBN: 9781613110720
Categories:, , ,

Author information

Edward M. Tauber Edward M. Tauber

Edward M. Tauber founded Brand Extension Research in 1981. He is president of the company. Dr. Tauber earned his Ph.D. in marketing from Cornell University. He was formerly a full professor at the University of Southern California and editor of the Journal of Advertising Research. Dr. Tauber was Executive Vice President and Research Director for DFS/Saatchi and Nestle/Carnation.

He developed the concept of “brand extension” which was published in articles entitled, “Brand Franchise Extension” from Business Horizons in 1981 and “Brand Leverage: Strategy For Growth in a Cost Control World,” from the Journal of Advertising Research in 1988. From the research methods he developed, his company created many brand extension products for Fortune 500 companies that generate over a billion dollars in sales annually.

Dr. Tauber wrote the seminal article “Why Do People Shop” in the Journal of Marketing and the book “Market Structure Analysis” with James H. Myers.


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