Market Research

Market Research Category

Structuring Markets

Chapter 1 – Structuring Markets

Chapter 1 of Market Structure Analysis

The chapter details the emergence of a new technology: the application of multivariate analytic techniques to measurements of consumer perception, motivation, and behavior. The purpose is to provide useful ways of structuring markets for more effective marketing planning. Also a primary issue is the promotion of a greater understanding and usage of all techniques by scholars and business firms.

Disadvantaged Consumers Research Dimensions

Chapter 1: Disadvantaged Consumers: Research Dimensions

Chapter 1 of Minorities and Marketing: Research Challenges

The authors’ objective is to establish specific fundamental propositions, regarding consumer behavior, to serve as the foundation for a systematic analysis of disadvantaged consumers. The chapter provides a framework to be used by future researchers in making systematic contributions to knowledge of low-income consumers. The chapter advocates the use of theoretical constructs and the specific propositions analyzed in the text for improved research on the disadvantaged consumer.

Eclectic Research Construct Validation

Chapter 1: Eclectic Research and Construct Validation

Chapter 1 of Models of Buyer Behavior

Eclectic Research and Construct Validation outlines two competing research strategies, eclectic research and intensive research, utilized by social scientists. Studies on income-sales and price-sales relationships offer real-world examples of these techniques, as well as demonstrate the superiority of eclectic research. The text argues that eclectic research provides more in-depth information at a reasonable cost than intensive research, and would thus be more helpful and cost efficient to social scientists.

Psychographics From Whence It Came

Chapter 1: Psychographics and From Whence it Came

Chapter 1 of Life Style and Psychographics

The chapter is written by Emanuel Demby, president of Motivational Programmers Inc., a firm that specializes in psychographic applications. Demby presents his views of the past, present, and future applications of psychographics in consumer-behavior research. He also illustrates his beliefs with descriptions of studies that have played supportive roles in his research.

What is Multivariate Analysis?

Chapter 1: What is Multivariate Analysis?

Chapter 1 of Multivariate Methods for Market and Survey Research

This chapter proposes techniques for the classification of multivariate methods. The text attempts to demonstrate the usefulness of multivariate methods if properly utilized for different research needs of marketing and survey research functions.

Behavioral Market Structure Model

Chapter 10 – Epilogue: Behavioral Market Structure Model

Chapter 10 of Market Structure Analysis

The authors review the various technologies presented in the book as they relate to the more current conceptual model, called the behavioral market structure model. The chapter considers the contributions of each technology to the behavioral model. Also discussed is a realistic perspective for the use of market structure analysis in the market planning process.

Factor Analysis in Marketing

Chapter 10: Factor Analysis in Marketing

Chapter 10 of Multivariate Methods for Market and Survey Research

The chapter investigates factor analysis and the resolution of a set of manifest variables linearly in terms of new constructs. The principal aim is to attain scientific parsimony or economy of description. The place of factor analysis in the statistical family of multivariate analysis is also discussed.

Life Style: The Essence of Social Class

Chapter 10: Life Style: The Essence of Social Class

Chapter 10 of Life Style and Psychographics

Myers and Gutman present a comparison between income and social class as these two variables relate to life style. They demonstrate what elements of life style are most related to the consumer’s standing in a social hierarchy, and what elements of life style are most related to the amount of money earned. The ultimate goal is to provide a first step toward implementing life style research within a firm.

Influence Personal Communication Buyers Choice Criteria Salesman Buyer Dyad

Chapter 10: The Influence of Personal Communication on a Buyer’s Choice Criteria in the Salesman/Buyer Dyad

Chapter 10 of Models of Buyer Behavior

The chapter provides a guide to likely deficiencies in the decision process used by the buyer to evaluate products. It is argued that knowledge of such deficiencies could be valuable for the salesman in building a persuasive strategy. By breaking down the choice criteria and influences behind the buyer’s need, the paper offers a greater understanding of buyer behavior and theory.

Models Of Buyer Behavior

Chapter 11: Attitude Change and the Relative Influence of Media and Word-of-Mouth Sources

Chapter 11 of Models of Buyer Behavior

Attitude Change and the Relative Influence of Media and Word-of-Mouth Sources examines the extent of word-of-mouth communication versus media exposure to introduce a specific new or established brand. The relative influence of these two sources is then evaluated by measuring differences in rates of attitude change and formation. The chapter ultimately establishes word-of-mouth as an essential key to establishing and introducing a product.